Washington Off Highway
Vehicle Alliance



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WOHVA works statewide to protect and enhance safe responsible motorized OHV recreation

We're a not for profit organization and our objectives are to:

Pursue, promote, protect and educate responsible off highway vehicle use..

We are an Alliance of other organizations and include:

1. OHV clubs and organizations
2. OHV related businesses
3. Supporting individuals

Upcoming Events


Your Partner with Land Managers

WOHVA actively works with land managers throughout the state to identify the needs of the community and land managers to assure continued access to trails.

Your Partner Within Our Industry

WOHVA members include dealers throughout the state as well as manufacturer's representatives - and we keep them aware of your needs and issues

Your Partner within the OHV Community

Join a group with interests like yours, who enjoy recreation with their 4x4, SxS, ATV or offroad motorcycle

A Note About WOHVA

The Washington Off Highway Vehicle Alliance (WOHVA) is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (16-1758867) in the State of Washington. Every dollar we receive goes towards making your off road experience in our great state better ... we are a volunteer organization.

Thanks for supporting WOHVA!

Page last updated: July 10, 2021
Unless otherwise indicated, contents © 2006 - 2025 by WOHVA.
All rights reserved.
WOHVA | PO Box 171 | Auburn, WA | 98071-0171
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software